Οur Don Flamenco shoe workshop has paused the handmade production until further notice. We can offer at the moment only stock items in Flamenco shoes for as long as supplies last.

Castanets Collection Semi Professional

You’re almost at the top: treat yourselves to the best!

The semi-professional castanet models are not just for seasoned students: they’re ideal even for beginners who wish to have top sound quality at affordable prices.

The sound of the semi-professional castanet models owes its flawlessness to the use of high-quality retin which shifts the sound produced from an echoing pitch to a metallic vibrancy.

Go ahead!  Reward yourselves:  With every purchase of our castanets we’ll make you a GIFT of the special carrying leather pouch to store them in so every time you take them out they will be as good as new.